We will arrange to meet and the initial consultation will last an hour. This session is an opportunity for us to think together about what has brought you to therapy. This may not be clear to you straight away so I will ask questions to gain more understanding and clarity. Often, more than one consultation session is needed, for a couple of reasons: you need to feel comfortable and that I am someone you can work with, and I need to feel I am the right therapist for you, and that the way I work can help.
After deciding to work together we will discuss the likely duration of the therapy. Therapy can be short term (up to 12 sessions) or long term (over a number of years) and anywhere in between.
I work weekly, and we will endeavour to find a day and time which can be a regular session time. This helps therapy to become a consistent, predictable presence in your week- so you know where you are
As I have said, therapy can vary from a small number of sessions to many years of work. Ultimately, the decision to be in therapy is yours. That said, endings in therapy are important and we will think about the length of ending together, long enough to consolidate the work we’ve done and to say goodbye.
Payment is by BACS internet transfer where possible. Cash is accepted if bank transfer is not possible. I invoice at the end of each month for the previous month’s sessions,
I am registered to work with a number of insurance providers. Please let me know before we commence of our work together if this is something you wish to discuss.
After deciding to work together I will ask you to read and sign a working agreement which outlines fee payment, holidays etc. A link to this document can be found in the drop-down menu.
Please see my GDPR document for details of your data protection. I keep personal contact details on record until we finish our work together. Note taking is anonymous, and is kept in line with my personal insurance requirements.
All therapists working ethically should engage in regular supervision of their work with a colleague. Occasionally, my work with you may be discussed in an anonymised way to help me in our work together.
Samaritans - https://www.samaritans.org/ 116 123
AA - help@aamail.org 0800 917 7650
Al-Anon - Helpline on 0800 0086 811 helpline@al-anonuk.org.uk
The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van der Kolk
Waking the Tiger – Peter Lavine
Our Polyvagal World. How Safety and Trauma change us – Stephen and Seth Porges
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga – Arielle Schwarz
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.
You can alsoa call me on 07794420736 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.
All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.
© Rachel Feaver Counselling and Psychotherapy
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